Monday, November 24, 2008

Thoughts Become Things???

Hello to All!!!

I have to been wanting to write more on the Universe and the power of the mind since I created the post titled HAD ENOUGH?

I have to admit I wanted to make it a good read for you, something that would be worth your time (because I do value you and your time). I guess I also wasn't quite comfortable telling you what goes on in this head of mine, (or a glimpse anyway... it's a KA-RAZZZY place up there sometimes.) Anyhow... I decided that you will either find you and I are much alike and be entertained by my thoughts; or you will think I am completely nuts, and be entertained by my thoughts :)

I was born in 1970 and raised with theory much like the "secret" is teaching people today. The power of thought. The power within, communicating with the Universe, etc.

However, my Mother was not one to say thoughts become things, so think and sit around and wait for it to happen.

You must take action. We need to do the leg work here on earth. My Mom's exact words to me, "Act as if it already is Erica Rae, and so it shall be."

Ok, lets cut to the chase here.

I play this game... ya'll know what a slug bug is? Or a punch buggy? It's a VW bug... when you see one you have to say punch buggy and hit the other people playing (except we don't hit, not good to do to the driver :>) Well, I have started using punch buggies as a way of communicating withe the Universe. I have attached a category to each color. For example Yellow is business. So, one day at the beginning of the summer I was super stressed about money, and wondering if I was ever going to get to the other side with this business planning and learning.. Will I be stuck working for someone else and hating it for forever?? I found myself saying out loud, "Universe I need you listen and I want answers. I cannot worry today about all of this. I want to know if things will turn around soon? If you hear me show me a yellow punch buggy."

I laughed at myself. This is crazy, I thought.

I was driving on 95 South and I was just about to go under an over pass. I looked up, at there was a yellow punch buggy crossing it. Again I laughed, So I said, "ok that was funny, (I raised that there is no coincidence, but this was so crazy. I needed more... Proof I guess). I said, "Ok, show me another yellow one and then I also want to see a green one after that. Before I see any other color, I expect to see green". I laughed again because I thought I was pulling a fast one, and I was so specific that this could not possibly happen in the next 4 minutes before I got to work.

But sure enough a yellow one drove by me as I was almost to the exit. Are you ready for this? No word of a lie.......the car directly behind that yellow buggy. The very yellow buggy I ordered. YES! yes, it was GREEN punch buggy!!
I screeched with laughter, "HOW COOL WAS THAT!!!??" I yelled out loud.

So now I do this all the time. I have found that if I am really focused on a topic (one that matches the various colors) that color ALWAYS drives by. If I say I want to see a certain color or colors in a certain order; they come.

The more you use the power of your mind, the stronger it becomes.

The Universe is always talking to us. Go back and read my post titled HAD ENOUGH? We will receive the messages in many forms if we pay attention, if we stay open and are ready to receive. Remember you are being taken care of in the most perfect way. There really is so much more to life than what society dictates. Color outside the lines..... Live it up and be the best you can every day, every moment...
The Universe has your back!!

Thanks for reading. I enjoy sharing with you. Feel free to post your comments, I love to read them. You may contact me my email as well. I would dig hearing about your "punch buggy" stories.

Think it, Believe it, Live it, Breathe it, Make it Happen!

Erica Rae