Monday, November 3, 2008

De - Stress in 5 Min. or Less

As we move through our day, there are literally a million things occurring within and around us.

Do we take notice, or just automatically move through our day?

In my profession I deal with many people. Each individual is very unique in their own lives and challenges. However, I hear many of the same complaints no matter how different the person, their needs, or reasons for hiring me in the first place.

My life is so hectic -- I am so tired -- I had a horrible day (week) -- I hate my job -- I can't lose weight -- I'm so emotional these days -- I'm sick again, etc., etc.

You get the picture right? Many of you may find that you are giving the same responses when asked about how things are going? Sadly enough this is the vast majority of Americans today.

What is the underlying factor for so much misery????


The longer we live stressed and out of control, the more power and control we give to the stress. It grows bigger and becomes stronger and it can consume us….. like a plague. Consciously and unconsciously we stress. Eventually we become prisoner in our own life. Moving from moment to moment, day to day, unhappy, and negative. Our sleep starts to suffer, we stop working out (or procrastinate getting started), and we stop laughing and playing and truly being ALIVE! Thus creating more problems for ourselves and bringing more stress! It becomes a vicious cycle.

Can you relate? Have you ever found your self wanting to stop the world and jump off?

You are not alone!

Here is a simple method to help manage stress throughout your day. Use as many times per day as you need to.

Let's break it down simply:

S -- stop the crazy spinning and step back from the situation.

T -- take several slow, deep and controlled breaths. Clear mind of all thoughts (focus is on your breath).

R -- regroup, refocus, and regain control and composure.

E -- Eliminate negative thoughts, feelings and or people that are contributing factors to the stress. Evaluate what truly matters, what is significant and what needs to be let go.

S -- step back into the situation only if completion of a task is a must. If not, walk away and let it go. Either way, stay with the controlled breathing.

S -- Smile -- Stay calm and in the moment. Don't go back and rehash the previous situation. Stay positive and focused. (Did I mention keep breathing?)

This is sometimes easier said than done, and it may require some practice. Stick with it because it does work. You may even customize your own little technique from the above guide. As long as you are working at taking control of an out of control situation, the better you will begin to feel and the easier it will become.

I would be delighted to hear that people are beginning to de-stress rather than continuing to stress! So, if you find this method helpful, let me know. I welcome all comments and questions.

I hope to find you here again, so we may continue together in managaning, combating and eliminating your stresses!!

Yours in Peace and Serenity,
Erica Rae